A case manager (YFC) is assigned to each youth upon discharge from Whaley Children's Center (WCC) residential program when the youth is discharged to a less restrictive setting. This ensures that individualized aftercare services are provided based on individual needs at Level 1 or Level 2- pending which services and supports are already in place upon discharge. These services are implemented throughout a specified time frame of at least six months post-discharge, as long as the youth remains in the less restrictive setting (foster home, fictive kin placement, IL program). The YFC will continue to maintain regular contact with the youth, placement, and agency provider throughout the duration of Aftercare. If a youth is scheduled to receive Level 1 services (services in the community are set up and in place upon discharge), the YFC will have contact with the youth within five days of the youth discharging from WCC's program. The YFC will make two additional contacts with the youth within 30 days during the first-month post-discharge and make at least one additional contact per month through the duration of Aftercare services. When a youth is offered Level 2 services upon discharge, face-to-face contact will be completed weekly within the first 30 days post-discharge. Face-to-face contact will then be made at least twice during the following month post-discharge, with monthly face-to-face meetings occurring every month thereafter for the duration of Aftercare services. Depending on the needs of each case, services may include as-needed on-call/crisis support, participating in CMH/Wraparound meetings, treatment team meetings, offering therapeutic services, education support, employment resources/support with job applications, intervention recommendations, assistance with locating community resources, and housing support.